Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The British Brigade of Guards in the AWI

British Brigade of Guards - Fife & Drum Miniatures (click to enlarge the view)

Here is a quick picture that I am posting before retiring to bed for the evening (actually it is 1:15 AM the next day). It depicts the AWI British Brigade of Guards circa 1777, using my Fife & Drum figures . There is still time to get orders sent before the Holidays are over, so drop me a line if you see any figures that you would like to order.

So far, I have painted 32 figures, based equally on four stands of 8 figures. I have one more stand to paint this week and then the first of two battalions of Guards will be completed. This battalion has the grenadier company attached. The 2nd Battalion will have the Light Company attached. They have the exact same uniform except that the grenadiers have a brass grenade on the cap front plate, while the Light Company has the letters "LI" embroidered on the plate.