All of the new Fife and Drum Miniatures Mohawk Indians are shown in this picture. CLICK TO ENLARGE ALL PICTURES |
I have been painting hoards of the new Fife and Drum Miniatures Mohawk Indians of late, with the idea of getting them ready for a game at this year's SYW Assn. Convention in April. Alas, the convention has been postponed to July 30, 2020, but the silver lining is that I got a lot of the new Indians painted. The new Mohawk Indian figures are part of the new Saratoga range of figures.
Various Indians firing muskets - they are sure to be deadly shooters |
Various Indians Charging or in Melee - a rather fierce looking war band. |
War Chief Character Set - Mounted and Dismounted version. |
A mix of the firing figures. |
A mix of the Melee figures. |
You will note that I have based all of my Indians on 25mm round bases and Litko movement trays so that they can be used in skirmish games. I think that the FIW and AWI Frontier wars are very suitable for small skirmish games. The Mohawks served as allies of General Burgoyne's British army during the Saratoga Campaign.
Here is a link to the Fife and Drum Miniatures web store. The Mohawk Indians are listed under the American Revolution tab/British Infantry sub tab in the pull down menu:
F&D and Perry Miniatures Comparison
I also have 20 of the Perry Mohawk Indians that were painted on commission for me. I had this batch started back in January at a time when I was uncertain about the timing of getting the F&D figures into production. So I thought that you would enjoy seeing how the two figure ranges compare. See pictures below:
Left to Right: Perry, F&D, F&D, and Perry. |
Left to Right: Perry, F&D, Perry, and F&D |
The Perry figures appear to be a bit more robust, being a little taller and muscular than the comparable Fife and Drum figures. It looks like the firing musket figures are close in height, but the running Perry figures look to be significantly larger. This is just a limited sample of comparisons, but I think that it gives you a sense of how the two figure ranges match up, size wise. That said, I think that both ranges will look good on the same table top, although I would not mix the two ranges into the same group of figures. I don't have any RSM Indians, but my intuition is that they would be a perfect match for the F&D range. Old Glory makes a good looking, and vast, range of Indians and I suspect that they would be closer in size to the Perry figures.
Perry firing figures |
Perry charging and skirmishing figures |
You really can't go wrong with any of them.
Crann Tara's New Huron Indians
Crann Tara Miniatures has released its range of Huron Indians at the same time as the F&D Mohawk release. If you live in the UK or Euroland, you can purchase the F&D Mohawks directly from Crann Tara and save some money on duty and post office fees. The Hurons and Mohawks are compatible because both are sculpted by Richard Ansell in 1/56 scale. There a sure a lot Indians running around through the forests, thanks to the sculpts that Richard is turning out in record numbers!
Click on the link below to visit the Crann Tara web store site:
Crann Tara is in the process of adding an extensive range of French and Indian War figures that should be an exciting addition to the FIW genre of wargame figures. Various French Compaigne Franche de Marine figures are already in stock at Crann Tara.
Covid-19 Impact on Wargaming
Fife and Drum Minatures and Minden Miniatures will remain open during the current corona virus pandemic that seems to be shutting down world wide commerce. As long as the US Post Office is open, I will be able to ship any and all orders to any location in the world.
I talked with Richard today and he is still sculpting and will continue to do so throughout this pandemic. It won't affect the addition of new products to the Minden/F&D ranges. (and there are going to be a lot of new figures released in 2020!).
Things are not so bright on the convention scene, however, with a growing number of convention cancellations. HMGS Cold Wars went on as scheduled but attendence was really down, according to reports that I have read on various blogs. Adeptican and the Seven Years War conventions have been cancelled and postponed, respectively. The HMGS-Midwest Little Wars convention is still on as of this blog post, but with the CDC recommending against public gatherings of more than 10 people, I expect that LW and other conventions will be cancelled in the days ahead.
No one has any real idea of how long the virus and the recommended "social distancing" will be in place. In the meantime, use the opportunity to work on that mountain of metal figures that you have accumulated and what the heck, keep that pile growing by ordering more figures from various suppliers of wargame figures and accessories across the spectrum of the hobby. Many of these companies are small one-man or cottage industries that can use your support.
Finally, I am no expert, but I would imagine that it would be OK to play a few wargames with a small group of your friends. In any event, if you find yourself getting a little bit of cabin fever, use some of that free time on your hobby. Fear not, we will get through this situation eventually.