Saturday, September 22, 2012

Peninsula War Preparations

94th Regiment (The Scotch Brigade) - Connoisseur Miniatures

I spent a good part of the afternoon cleaning, assembling and priming two more sections of Royal Horse Artillery for our re-fight of the Battle of the Coa Bridge in November 2012. I currently have four 6-pounders/crew/limber teams in Captain Hew Grant's RHA Battery. Two more sections will complete the battery and give the redcoats (i.e. The Good Guys) a better chance of stopping the French (i.e. The Opposite of The Good Guys). Just kidding - I like to play the French equally as much as the British in the Napoleonic Wars, it's just that I lean a little bit more towards the British.

Each RHA section consists of one 6-pounder, 5 crew men, a 4-horse limber team with 2 drivers and 2 troopers sitting on the limber carriage, so it is no small matter to assemble and paint a section of RHA. I think that works out to 15 separate pieces for the complete section. That is like painting a small battalion.

I also primed two more companies of the 5/60th Rifles, which will bring my Rifles contingent up to 48 figures (4 companies of 12 figures). When combined with Bill P.'s rifles (24 of the 95th and 12 Cacadores), we will have a converged battalion of 72 Rifles. I promise you that they will not be wiped out in our next game. After 3 or 4 games with the Rifles, I have some better ideas of how to use them and where to deploy them in order to take advantage of their talents and skills. 

Finally, I have one more company (12 figures) of the 94th (Scotch Brigade) Regiment to paint, which will give me 84 figures in 7 companies.

The Bad Guys
Meanwhile, Bill P. is busy recruiting for the 5th Regiment and I think that I recall him saying that he has the regiment up to about 48 figures so far. It looks like the whole regiment will be available for our replay of the Coa scenario. (Yes, I know, there weren't any "line foot regiments" in Crauford's Light Division at the Coa, but we can only use what we have available). Slowly, but surely, the British forces are building in strength and I expect that we will reach some degree of parity during 2013.