Friday, September 20, 2024

John The OFM in miniature

Over on the Fife and Drum Miniatures forum one of the members commissioned a 3D printed sculpt of that famous cad and rapscallion known as John The OFM (of TMP fame and other web forums). "Little John", as we called him, was mailed around the world to Europe, Australia and back to the United States. The figure was mailed to various forum members in those parts of the world with the mission of taking a picture of Little John and then finally presented to John in person.

John is the fellow mounted on the horse on the right hand side of the picture above. For my picture, I placed him outside of the Savage Swan Tavern where he is seen quaffing some ale before heading off into battle. General Nathaniel Greene, mounted on the horse on the left hand side of the photo, appears not impressed by the presentation of the liquid "award" to JTOFM. It wouldn't be the first time that one of Greene's generals fortified himself with some liquid courage ahead of a battle.

This project provided a great deal of fun and merriment on the forum and so I thought that I would share the picture with you.

The tavern was made by Herb Gundt and the various civilians are from Front Rank and Foundry, while General Greene and his standard bearer escort are Fife and Drum Miniatures.


1 comment:

  1. Cracking miniature, he looks great, good fun and something that wee bit different.
