Friday, September 27, 2024

At the Check Point Vignette


A Prussian officer in the von Zieten hussar regiment hands over his identification
papers to Feldwebel Gertz at a road check point outside the Prussian encampment.

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Today's fox is a vignette of a Prussian check point. It brings to mind the Prussian Captain Potzdorf in the film Barry Lyndon. Potzdorf and his company of dragoons are traveling in the opposite direction as Barry Lyndon, who was posing as Lt. Fakenham of the British army. Of course Potzdorf is immediately suspicious of Barry's story and "invites" him to tag along with him. Barry really has no choice but to oblige and so he rides with Potzdorf towards the Prussian lines. Potzdorf gradually susses out Barry Lyndon's real identity and places him under arrest, offering him the choice of being shot as a spy or joining the Prussian army. To which Barry says, "then I shall volunteer to join the army."

It is best to have one's papers in order when crossing through a Prussian check point.

The Fife & Drum Miniatures AWI Hessian range of figures includes a musketeer in tricorn hat and a grenadier in a miter hat, both in a pose with the musket held upright. This is a great figure pose that can serve a multitude of purposes: the second rank in a firing line, an outpost guard, or a guard outside the general's tent in a camp.

Minden Miniatures "Zieten personality figure pack (rider and messenger) is the center piece of this story.
The grenadiers guarding the check point are Fife & Drum Miniatures Hessians for the AWI period.
The guard house was made by Herb Gundt and the cheveau de frise pieces are from Warfare Miniatures.

Close up view of the Zieten personality figure.

Here we have a Prussian jager officer and a messenger being stopped at the check point.
They have dispatches to deliver in the Prussian encampment.


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