Tuesday, January 30, 2024

My Little Wars Convention Games Have Been Submitted


I recently submitted my games for this year's Little Wars game convention running April 18-21, 2024. The venue is the Westin Hotel in Lombard, Illinois. This year's game will be a 54mm version of Pickett's Charge on the third day of the battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War.

I have signed up three games, one on each day of the convention: Thursday - 7PM; Friday - 1PM; and Saturday - 10AM. Each game has 12 player slots so that adds up to 36 player slots over the course of the convention. Click on the link below for more information.

Little Wars Convention

A picture of the Confederate grand battery supporting Pickett's Charge.
54mm plastic and metal figures

Game will be played across three 6ft by 20ft tables, convention organizers willing, in much the same manner as last year's Khartoum game. This time, however, there will be more terrain than I had in the Khartoum game. I need lots of trees, 18ft of the Emmitsburg Road, and 36ft of post and rail fencing.

As of today I have painted approximately 900 figures and only have 210 more to go before the painting phase of the project is completed. The units are organized into 30-figure regiments using 54mm figures.