Saturday, January 20, 2024

On My Way Home


The recently completed Union regiment with CTS figures.

Well, it’s time to wrap up my trip to Florida and put a bow on it. I’m heading home tomorrow and I’m sure that the house sitters/ dog sitters will be happy to turn the keys back over to me.

I have a few Minden / Fife and Drum orders that came in during my absence and I will be getting those picked and packed this coming week. My apologies go out to those customers who are having to wait a bit longer to get their orders. They will get my first priority attention.

I finished painting a third ACW Union regiment while on vacation and this brings the total up to 14 Union and 12 Confederate regiments of 30 figures each, or 780 total figures painted plus various other generals and artillery crewmen. My painting on this project started in August 2023. I still need 1 Union and 3. Confederate regiments to complete the infantry component, or 120 figures.