Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Herd of Horses Arrives for AWI

Richard Ansell sent me some pictures of his work in process on the AWI dragoons for the Fife & Drum range. For starters, we have six new horses to add to the range to go along with the dragoons .

Next, Richard has been working on the basic "dollies" for the British and Continental dragoons. These will serve as the starting point for each casting. The point is that by creating some torso pieces, heads, and equipment, Richard will not have to keep making these parts over and over again for each individual figure. The parts are on their way to Griffin Moulds for casting. Once the metal components are cast, then Richard can start turning them into finished dragoons by adding arms, heads, coats, belts and equipment, etc.


  1. Can't wait, my plans for more cavalry are on hold until these fellows arrive.

  2. Me too! I'm itching to get my brushes going on these guys. We should probably start seeing some more greens around the end of October with possible production starting in November.

  3. They all look quite nice. Even if you don't have any cavalry in a game you still need mounts for all those officers and limbers

  4. We now have a total of 8 horses in the range, so lots of variety for the officers and dragoons.

  5. These are magnificent! I cannot get over how excellent this range has become. Now to count rubles, kopecks and drachmas and figure out an order!
    The Celtic Curmudgeon

  6. looking good but then there was no doubt Richard woulddo a first class job
