Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day Tidings to All

We had a very nice Christmas here in Hesse Seewald. You can see a picture of our Yule Tree after the Princess has sorted out all of her packages and stashed them off-camera for quicker opening. She has package opening down to a science.

I received some nice books including Adrian Goldsworthy's How Rome Fell and Don Troiani's book Soldiers of the American Revolution to stoke my wargaming interests even further. The Goldworthy book has proven to be very interesting as I can hardly put the thing down after skimming a few sections here and there. The Troiani book will be most helpful once I start painting our new Fife & Drum AWI figures in early 2011.

The Princess got the laptop computer that she had been saving for over the past year. She was a few dollars short of having enough funds to make the purchase, so we bought it for her using her own funds, supplemented with some of our own cash. Now the Princess has a better computer than we do. The Wife received an iPad from me so it was quite a "tech-y day" for the household this Christmas day. One good thing about this is that now I can access our family computer and do more blogging without having to surrender my time to the other family members. That is a definite win-win outcome.

Later in the afternoon, we filled Mallard Hall with fourteen guests and relatives and had a grand old time. It was very cold and snowy outside, but I kept the fireplace stoked with logs all day and it was very comfortable sitting near the fire and reading bits of Goldsworthy.

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