Saturday, January 25, 2025

Punic Wars Command Figure Stands


Celtic warriors clash with some of Rome's Italian allies somewhere in Italy.
These are all HaT 54mm plastic figures.

The past couple of weeks have been productive from a painting standpoint. I took a painting kit with me to Florida when I was there on vacation for the first ten days of the new year. I pre-primed a 32-figure unit of HaT 54mm Celts and a couple of Expeditionary Forces Celtic command figures and packed them neatly in a box along with an appropriate mix of brushes and paint colors. I was able to get most of the basic colors  blocked in while in Florida, but I had to wait until I returned home before I could complete the Celts.

The newest member of the Celtic army (the unit on the left). One of four such 
warbands in my Hannibalic army.

I also finished painting some of the command stands these past two weeks. These include Massinissa (Numidian cavalry leader), a generic Spanish commander, and Mago Barca (Hannibal's youngest brother). These are all HaT 1/32 scale Punic Wars figures. I did a head swap to create Massinissa. If you look at the Mago Barca figure, you will see that I used that figure, lopped off his head, and replaced it with a Numidian head from the Numidian light cavalry box of figures.

Massinissa, the King of the Numidians

A Spanish general to command the Spanish contingent in Hannibal's army.

Mago Barca, Hannibal's little brother.

Here are two work in progress photos of the leader of my Celtic troops. He is a magnificent model made by Expeditionary Forces (see my previous post about him) and he appears to be 1/30 scale (about 60mm) rather than the 1/32 scale listed on the box.

The major pieces to assemble include the horse, the horse's base, the rider's torso, arms, head, cloak, saddle blanket, sword and shield. I added quite a bit of green stuff epoxy putty on the base to make for a stronger join of the horse's legs to the four holes in the base of the figure. The putty was slathered over the base near the hooves and smoothed out to resemble tall grass.

I only have some of the basic colors blocked in on the figure and I am very much looking forward to seeing how the figure looks when it is finished.



  1. Great work and more super progress made for your game, The command stands look great, very nice indeed.

  2. Nice job on Massissa! I recently attended a lecture on him. An interesting g character.

  3. Lovely work so far!

    Kind Regards,

