Saturday, January 4, 2025

More Roman Civilians: 54/60mm King & Country


The new Roman civilians from King & Country.

Today in my email In Box I received an update on some of the new figure releases coming from King & Country Miniatures this month. Among other things, KC is adding more Roman civilians to its Streets of Rome range of figures. Since I’m building a Roman town for my Hannibal Punic Wars convention game in 2025, I am very happy to see these new additions and they will soon add to the population of my growing Roman town.

The new releases include a butcher with his chopping table, a middle class woman shopper, a pair of stone masons, a civilian standing and observing what is going on around him, and a set of two laborers. I do not recall how many KC Roman civilians that I already have, but it is probably close to 20 different figure poses. This provides some wonderful vignettes on the table top and really ups the eye candy quotient of my table. 

January will hopefully see me starting on the building of my Roman town using cardboard, foam core board and balsa wood. I have been putting this task off, but it’s time to gear up the production if I want to have the terrain ready in time for the Little Wars Convention in April 2025. I’ve been more focused on painting the Roman and Carthaginian soldiers these past few months. Both sides are close to completion. In a pinch, I’m relying on 28mm Roman buildings that Herb Gundt made for me.

I am visiting Florida, Venice appropriately, for a week and I brought a painting kit with me so that I could knock out a 32-figure unit of Celtiberians mercenaries for Hannibal’s army. Upon completion I will have four Celt units, four Spanish allies, and two North African Carthaginian units for my infantry contingent. I have largely ompleted the Carthaginian cavalry consisting of Numidian light cavalry, Celtic cavalry, one unit of Spanish cavalry and one unit of Carthaginian cavalry.


  1. Lovely looking figures, the stone masons are particularly good. With what you already have they will make some super vignettes and add to teh table dressing.

    1. I wasn’t expecting K&C to come out with any more civilians so I’m very happy to get this news. They are available in mid January. Can hardly wait to see them first hand. Now I will have to make a butcher’s shop.

  2. Nice looking set of civilian figures

  3. The figures and your buildings are nothing short of beautiful. Once again you are taking it to the next level!


    1. On reading more attentively it apears that the buildings are KC. My comments still stand.

    2. The buildings are only the facades or front halves of buildings and thus are only suitable for shelf display. However they do provide me with a template for making my own buildings.

  4. Looking forward to seeing the end result of your efforts posted on your blog! Thank you for all you do for the hobby Jim.
