Lt. General von Zieten leads his own regiment of hussars into the field. All figures are from Minden Minatures. |
The razing of Kustrin prior to the Battle of Zorndorf. Frederick had a strong dislike of the Russians, but their destruction of the city of Kustrin on the Oder really stuck in his craw and he wanted revenge. (Karl Rohling print) |
As we discussed in our last episode of the great cavalry battle of Gross Kammin, the basis for the war game is to play out a scenario where the Russian army's Cossacks are lured into the area and surrounded by Prussian hussars as they spring the trap. The bait will be the Prussian field bakery at Sagwitz and the undefended village of Frobledorf. If the Cossacks stop in at The Savage Swann they are going find a welcoming party of rowdy Prussian Black Hussars. The Prussian light cavalry division is commanded by Lt. General Hans von Zieten.
Lt. General Hans von Zieten personality figure from Minden Miniatures |
Prussia's objective is to surround the Cossacks and eliminate them as a threat to area around Gross Kammin.
Russia's objective is to burn down the Prussian field bakery and lay torch to as many villages as they can before skedaddling out of town,
MAP #1 shows the initial deployments of Russian and Prussian light cavalry squadrons .
MAP #1 - Initial deployment of both armies |
The Russians have deployed one Cossack Pulk in a swale (low ground) behind the Kammin Heide. Two squadrons of the Horvath Hussars are deployed in reserve on the high ground behind the Cossacks. A second Cossack pulk is deployed on the hill next to the Horvath Hussars. A squadron of Yellow Hussars protects the Russian right flank, advancing towards Sagwitz and the Prussian field bakery. The Russian plan is to lure the Prussian hussars over the Kammin Heide and then unleash all Cossacks and Horvath Hussars on them,
The 1st Cossack pulk moves up onto the Kammin Heide to goad the Prussians to charge. |
The 2nd Cossack pulk deploys in reserve on the high ground. They are not visible to the Prussian hussars in the center, who are on the other side of the Kammin Heide. The intervening high ground blocks the Prussians' line of sight. |
Russia's squadron of Yellow Hussars protect the Russian right flank as they advance towards Sagwitz. |
The Prussians plan to surround the Cossacks, Three squadrons of hussars (H1 / H2 /H3) deploy on the horizontal road between Frobeldorf and Gross Kammin. Two squadrons (H4 or White Hussars) and one squadron of Black Hussars (H5) move into Zicherwitz to prevent the Cossacks from escaping to the east. Two squadrons of H5 and one squadron of Bosniaken lancers guard the Prussian left flank and they move north into the village of Frobeldorf
Bosniaken lancers and Black Hussars (H5) advance towards Frobeldorf moving in a south to north direction to guard the Prussian left flank. |
A squadron of the Black Hussars (H5) rides with the Bosniaken. There are a total of three squadrons of Black Hussars dispersed around the battle field. |
A Cossack scouting party watches von Zieten's center column riding across the Kammin Heide. |
The Cossack scouts are spotted! Zieten's center column of Green Hussars (H1), Zieten Hussars (H2) and Red Hussars (H7) deploy from column into line of battle in front of the Kammin Heide |
Zieten leads his three squadrons up the Kammin Heide after spotting some Cossacks. |
The White Hussars (H4) ride into Zicherwitz to protect the Prussian right flank and block a potential escape route for the Cossacks. |
MAP #2 shows the elements of Zieten's Prussians on the attack as they attempt to surround and cut down the Cossacks of Pull #1.
MAP #2 - The first Prussian attack at the Cossacks |
Von Zieten leads his own squadron of hussars (H2) up the Kammin Heide to attack the Cossacks. The Green and Red Hussars follow in support. |
Zieten leads his three squadrons of Prussian hussars over the crest of the Kammin Heide where he discovers that there are a lot more Cossacks hiding in the dead ground behind the hill. |
The Bosniaken move off the Frobeldorf Road to set up a blocking position to prevent the Cossacks from escaping to the south. Meanwhile, two squadrons of Black Hussars (H5) gallop through the village of Frobeldorf so that they can attack the Cossacks in the rear. |
Meanwhile, on the Prussian right, two squadrons of White Hussars (H4) take up a blocking position in the village of Zicherwitz.
A squadron of Black Hussars (H5) move through Zicherwitz to support the White Hussars (H4) |
The Prussian trap is sprung and they surround the 1st Cossack pulk and the slaughter begins. The Cossacks' inclination is to run away anyway as they don't want to fight formed Prussian cavalry troopers. However, one of the squadrons of Black Hussars rides through Frobeldorf and gains the rear of the Cossack mass. Now it is everyone for themselves as they are now surrounded.
The Prussian Red Hussars (H7) are the first to pitch into the flank of the Cossacks. |
The Zieten Hussars (H2) hit the Cossacks from the front. |
The Black Hussars send a squadron out of Frobeldorf and aim for the rear of the Cossacks. |
The Zieten Hussars (H2) pursue the fleeing Cossacks |
MAP #3 depicts the final destruction of the 1st Cossack pulk
We are doomed! |
Everyone save yourselves! |
The Cossacks realize that they are outnumbered and they attempt to flee at first. Then they find themselves surrounded by Prussian hussars and so they resolve to fight their way out of the trap. |
A few of the Cossacks think they see an escape route if they can ride through Frobledorf; however, a squadron of Black Hussars (H5) was deployed in the village to block any escape attempts and the few Cossacks in the streets are cut down to the last man. |
The first Cossack pulk has now been destroyed and von Zieten sounds the recall to pull his forces back together so that they can reorganize for the next phase of the battle. The Russians have another card to play as the 2nd Cossack pulk moves from their position on high ground and charges down into the swale behind the Kammin Heide to slaughter an unsuspecting squadron of Black Hussars emerging from Zicherwitz to the east (the Prussian right flank)
Having destroyed the 1st Pulk of Cossacks, Zieten sounds the recall to reorganize his hussars in preparation for a possible Russian counterattack. |
Map 4 depicts the Russian counter-attack.
MAP #4 - The Russian Counterattack. |
A squadron of Black Hussars (H5) emerges from Zicherwitz, but do not see the 2nd Pulk of Cossacks bearing down on them while they are still deployed in a march column formation. |
The Black Hussars are surrounded and they are fighting for their lives. It will not end well for them. |
Zieten's hussars have finally reorganized and he orders the Bosniaken to charge the Cossacks and rescue the Black Hussars. |
The Bosniaken charge into the Cossack-Hussar melee |
A small number of the Black Hussars are able to escape under the wing of the Bosniaken. |
Their job is finished so the 2nd Cossack pulk breaks off from the melee and rides back to the crest of their hill, where a lot of Russian heavy cavalry have just arrived. |
The Prussian White Hussars (H4) were in a good position to help their comrades and charge into the melee, but they noticed a different kind of trouble emerging on the Russian hill - Horse Grenadiers and Dragoons! |
The Russian heavy cavalry arrives on the scene. They have four squadrons of horse grenadiers, two squadrons of dragoons and two squadrons of cuirassiers. The Prussian hussars are no match for this lot. |
The Zieten Hussars (H2) return to their own lines after chasing off the remains of the 1st Cossack pulk. |
The Bosniaken return to their lines too. Note how Zieten has deployed the rest of his hussars, facing the Russians, as a bulwark for his cavalry to fall back to. |
The Zieten Hussars return triumphantly to Zieten's reorganized cavalry position on the Kammin Heide. |
So there you have it. We have covered the great light cavalry battle at Gross Kammin in all of its thrilling, glorious and gory detail. An all-cavalry war game is an unusual game scenario and it has a special feel and flavor of its own that is quite different from the usual 18th Century linear warfare battle. I hope that this battle report will inspire you to give it a try. Cavalry games tend to go quicker because most of the game action involves the back and forth of cavalry melees.
Today's battle report is sponsored by Minden Miniatures. All of the figures shown in this battle report are Minden Miniatures and you can purchase your own light cavalry castings for Austrian, British, French and Prussian armies. The Cossacks are made by RSM, but are mounted on Minden Miniatures horses.
Fife and Drum / Minden Miniatures web store
Be sure to click on all of the pictures and maps to enlarge them for your viewing pleasure. Your comments are both welcomed and encouraged. I'd like to hear what people think about this all-cavalry war game scenario.
But wait, there is more. Our next episode will cover the upcoming engagement of the Russian and Prussian HEAVY cavalry forces as the Battle of Gross Kammin continues. The two armies will take up positions that were gained by their light cavalry forces. Thus the Prussians have the advantage of hiding their reinforcements behind the Kammin Heide in the area of dead ground to Russian viewing.
There is certain to be lots of eye candy for you 18th Century war game enthusiasts. I think that you are really going to enjoy the combat as the heavies enter the fray.
With that, our report comes to an end so it is time to wrap it up and put a bow on it. Stay tuned to this blog for Part 3 of the great cavalry battle at Gross Kammin.