Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hand Painted Flag: Russian 3rd Cuirassier Regiment


Flag of the 3rd Cuirassier Regiment in Russian service.

Kronoskaf image of the 3rd Cuirassiers flag

I am almost finished with a new 24-figure regiment of Russian (boo, hiss) cuirassiers and so it was time to find a flag for it.  Usually I would look for the appropriate flag from GMB Designs, but this particular regiment was not available.

My backup plan was to download the flag from the Kronoskaf website. After the download, I put the image into Word and manipulate the size of the image until it is just the right size, and then I print it out. Sometimes this is all that is needed, but this time I decided to paint over the flag image with my own brush strokes. I use the image as a sort of "paint by numbers" template and repaint the flag over the image. 

Remember those old Paint By Numbers art kits? You would get a canvas in the box and the image of the painting would be printed on the canvas. Each area of the canvas had a number assigned to it and each number represented a particular color of paint. If the color "Blue" was number "6" then you would paint blue in all of the areas that had the number "6" on them.

I am not a professional flag painter, but I am rather pleased with the way the flag turned out. The actual flag is smaller than what you see in the first picture so there is some distortion to the images.

I was spreading terrain goop all over the bases of the Russian cuirassiers earlier today. I will let them dry overnight and then dry brush the surface and add some static grass and tufts to the bases.



  1. The flag looks great Jim, nice work on it, Looking forward to seeing the completed Russian regiment, one army I have yet to have any figures for so will be looking on with great interest as I fancy doing a Russian army.

  2. An interesting explanation and a fine result. Like Donnie, I look forward to seeing your new regiment. Was there a reason to choose the 3rd and so led to the handpainted flag?

    1. I had already painted one unit of Russian cuirassiers several years ago, I think that it was the "Heir Apparent" / "Crown Prince" regiment. I wanted the regimental flag (blue) to look different from my other regiment.

    2. This is Fritz. I can't seem to make comments as anything other than Anonymous. The above comment is from me.

  3. Great looking flag Jim, thanks for sharing.

