Thursday, November 3, 2016

I'm Back! Shipping Orders Again & Other News

Fife & Drum is now back and shipping orders once again. As you might recall, I took the month of October off for vacation and to recharge my batteries. I resumed shipment of Fife & Drum orders this week and have caught up with all existing orders as of today.

I reorganized the Shipping Department, moving my work bench off to a smaller table and using this larger table for packing orders.

The Closet o' Lead. It obviously needs to be picked up and reorganized now that I have a lot of time on my hands.

Some News:

I talked with Richard the other day and he expects to have the Russian greens done in about two weeks. I don't know if this gives me enough time to have moulds made prior to Christmas, but I will give it my best try. I might try a preorder system for the Russians if timing gets tight.

I decided to take early retirement as of November 1st so I'm looking forward to,having more time to devote to the miniatures business and have a lot of ideas percolating in my head. This should also give me time to visit more conventions and to develop more game scenarios...and paint.

This used to be my shipping table, inside the dreaded Closet o' Lead. Now it serves as my workbench for cleaning and assembling miniatures and doing simple conversions such as head swaps.

The painting mojo has been gone since last June so hopefully I can get it going again. I think that it will require a SYW game to kick start the old mojo.


  1. Congratulations on your retirement, Jim! I await that day with eagerness for myself.

  2. I wonder if hanging around with all of us retired guys on the tour had anything to do with it?

  3. Well done Jim! Here's to more time for the things you enjoy, and the people you love.

    Best Regards,


  4. Good luck with the retirement. From the sounds of it you're going to be just as busy but for a more understanding boss.

  5. Give you joy of your retirement Jim!

  6. Enjoy your early retirement Jim. I can attest that is to be recommended.

  7. Good luck with the retirement. A while yet before I can take mine but getting closer each day.

  8. Early retirement - nothing like it! However, it won't be long before you find so much to do you wonder how you ever had time for "work". Best wishes for a happy future. Chris

  9. Just remember now that you are retired you must always keep a lead pile. Or you'll die!

    Also i hope we'll be seeing some Hanoverian/British personalities soon like Sprocken and Granby(and even Sackville)

    1. Look at the 3rd picture above. I think that I'm safe for awhile. 😄

  10. Congratulations on your early retirement, have a great time.

  11. Congratulations! Still very far off for me, so a bit envious.

  12. Congratulations on your retirement!

  13. Good choice on the early retirement. I've been done since June and no regrets, and strangely enough hardly any idle time. Life and shelved projects keep us busy.

  14. Congratulations on your retirement, Jim. Now all the plans can come to fruition!! Cheers, Rohan.
