Saturday, December 15, 2012


Lady Emma Cuddlestone-Smythe wrote this little piece of prose about Kindness and I liked it so much that I thought that I would post it on my blog. Given the tragic news from Connecticut yesterday, a little more focus on Kindness seems to be what we need more of right now.

by Lelia Jane Purky

Kindness is the act of helping, not being mean, not bullying.

Kindness is a gift that comes when you feel ready for it, to open your heart, to open your soul, your mind and your spirit.

Kindness is what you need for life, and what can you do without it?

Kindness is keeping peace, kindness is helping those who need it, and being nice to anyone you meet, even those who are mean to you.

It's December, almost Christmas, the season of perpetual hope, giving, love and change. And it's not about getting, it's about giving.

Will you make the change?


  1. Beautiful. Have a wonderful Christmas.

    -- Jeff

  2. Agreed. Really not much more to say, is there? You have a very thoughtful young lady there.

    Best Regards,


  3. Amazing insight for one so young! Wouldn't it be nice if everyone were so smart. Best regards, Bill

  4. Something all the world could do with more of.

  5. Splendid sentiments and writing.Well done Lady C-S I say!

  6. Good words and sentiments to live by Lelia.
    Well done,

  7. I read Lelia's piece on kindness at our church group's Christmas party where it was much appreciated.

    Stephen Caddy
