Friday, February 17, 2012

Der Alte Fritz Is Now On Facebook!???

OK, now I've really done it. I started up a Facebook page this evening, primarily to talk about wargaming, miniatures, and most of all, to promote the Fife & Drum range of AWI miniatures.

Another benefit is that I can quickly tell you what I'm up to, wargaming wise, without feeling the need to spend a lot of time taking photographs, adjusting them, and loading them up onto this blog. So I should be able to transmit more information on a daily basis.

I'm not entirely sure how this all works, but here is a link (I think) to my Facebook page.

So click on the link and so what is going on. I think that you have to request to be my friend. (that sounds so odd to put it that way, don't you think?)


  1. I may have inadvertently sent a friend request from your info page on Facebook. I new at it too, and wanted to be a friend so I could see what was new with F&D minis etc.

    Don miller

  2. Done and done!

    Keep up the good sculpting and painting!

  3. Hi Jim,

    I've just sent you a friend request of FB. Now, back to the painting frenzy.

    Best Regards,


  4. Looking forward to seeing even more updates on FB. Your pictures, battle reports and painting on the blog here have been very motivational.-Mike

  5. As someone who has no intention of getting involved with facebook I have noticed a slowing down of reports here. I assume the time is being better used on your hobby and i applaud and support that but the regular updates here are missed.
