Saturday, January 19, 2013

What's on Fritz's Painting Table

This is a test to see if my iPad can post to Blogger.  Here are some Fife & Drum AWI Continentals that I'm working on. There are eight figures wearing brown coats with red facings and 22 wearing hunting shirts. I think that Continental units look better when they have a mix of uniform styles.


  1. My iPad works fine for posting to blogger.

  2. Mine doesn't but it's an iPad 1 and probably needs an upgrade to it's IOS or something, was fine til about 3 months ago.... Ho hum

  3. Dear Fritz,

    ARRRRRRRRGH! You're tempting me beyond all reason to enter into a new project by showing how good those figures look!

    I can't take it anymore...I guess I'll have to break down and order some when "Finances" allows. Sigh.

    On the other hand, a regiment or two of those hunting shirt fellows sure would look good on my tabletop! WOOF!



  4. Clearly the test "passed"... i'm interested, did you take the picture with the ipad as well?? If so it's a brilliant on board camera - sharp and bright...

  5. Yes the picture was taken with the iPad camera. It is a little blurry because I moved when snapping the shot, but yes, the picture resolution is very sharp and you don't even need extra lighting for indoors. You should see some of the other test pix that I shot with the iPad. It is an amazing piece of tech equipment.

    Martin: send me an e-mail at :

    altefritz1740 (at) yahoo (dot) com and I will send you some free samples. Anyone else who hasn't previously purchased F&D figures can also get some free samples can do the same.


  6. Once you get those samples, Martin, you'll be hooked!

    These miniatures are magnificent!
