Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Fife & Drum AWI British Guards


British flank company soldiers from Fife and Drum  Miniatures.

Some people seem to overlook the fact that Fife & Drum Miniatures has the British Guards figures in its product range. Well we do and in fact the Guards were the very first figures that kicked off the company back in 2010. I started the range with Guards figures because no other company offered Guards figures in the 28mm world. Click link to the Fife & Drum Miniatures web store to check out the details.

British Guards

BA-004 British Guards Command Pack

BA-005 Guards Center Companies Marching

BA-006  Guards Skirmishing

BA-007  Guards Flank Company Marching

The Command and Center Company figures are wearing a brimmed hat with the left side turned up so that the musket doesn’t knock one’s hat off his head. The flank company figures are wearing a cap that sort of resembles a baseball cap that has a vertical plate in the front. These hats were actually fashioned from cut down tricorn hats. All figures wear the short cut down cut worn in North America.

So whenever  you are on social media and someone asks about the availability of AWI Guards figures I’d be grateful if you could point them towards Fife & Drum Miniatures.


  1. They are lovely figures, I have some of centre company in the "tod do" pile but no flank figures yet, must put them onto my list though as they are very nice indeed.

  2. These are a great resource for those who want to capture the historic look but I find the chopping about of hats and coats, while practical, "uglify" the uniform and so are not for me. However I hope you find plenty of customers.

  3. They are excellent figures, and the first Fife and Drum miniatures I bought. The research that went into them is first class and they certainly deserve a wider audience. Thank you very much for doing these Jim!

    My posting about them is one of the most popular posts on my blog
