Thursday, January 30, 2025

I'm Going to Historicon 20205!

Well, I am confirming that I am going to Historicon this year! I got my room at the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square, in the HMGS room block. The convention dates are Thursday July 17th through Sunday July 20th of 2025 at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I tried making my reservation on line with the link provided by HMGS, but I was not having any success getting in. The room block for HMGS attendees was supposed to open at noon today EST, but I kept getting a "no room availability" message. Finally, I tried calling Marriott directly and was able to connect with reservations and I was able to make my hotel reservation for the event. Whew, that was a close call, but I'm in now so my anxiety level has dropped down to normal levels. My dog Bella is also relieved by the news as she was doing her best comfort dog routine to calm me down while I was directly a few choice words at my computer. Oh by the way, Mrs. Fritz has decided to join me on my trip. This is a first. She is curious to see what all of this wargame convention stuff is all about. It will be fun to have her attending with me. At any rate, I can now focus on getting my 54mm Hannibal! game into ship shape. I am nearly finished with the painting of the figures. The Carthaginian army is completed and I am working on a legion of Italian Allies for the Roman team. Then, painting a few more generals and command stands for the Romans should finish them off and complete the painting task. Next up, then, is the construction of some Roman farm buildings (and maybe even a small town if I have the time) to place at the corners of the game table.


  1. Will you make that scene with models?

  2. Looking forward to seeing your report when the show rolls round in July, the game should look pretty spectacular.

  3. No luck on the room block for me. The hotel is really nice, and parking makes it very easy to load and unload. I was at work and tried the app during lunch. I am looking forward to seeing your Punic war game and the town looks fantastic.
