Friday, May 31, 2024

Working on the Codori Farm House in 1/32 scale


The Codori barn is an iconic piece of terrain at the battle of Gettysburg and because I am running my Pickett's Charge game at Historicon this year, it seems like a must to have the barn as part of my terrain. I have the barn already, but where there is a barn there must also be a farm house. Hence my decision to make a 1/32 scale model of the Codori farm house for my game.

Here is an HO scale model of the Codori farm house that you can buy
at the National Park Visitors' Center for a cool $200

I already have a model of the Codori barn, and no, it wasn't red and didn't have a cupola in 1863. It was painted white. Here is the model made by Britains:

The Codori barn during a lull in the battle. Confederates playing a few hands of poker.

I have made good progress on my house model. The walls are made out of foam core material and have a basswood internal bracing structure to give the model strength. I am going to use the two chimneys from the BMC Meade's HQ plastic kit and also cut out the windows from the same plastic kit. I will use the those windows on my model of the Codori house.

The exterior is clad with paper bricks and paper roof shingles. I am glad that I don't have to make my own roof shingles.

Longstreet, Pickett and staff gather around the Codori farm for a quick meeting.

The pictures above show the unfinished model sitting next to the Codori Barn. I only have to insert the plastic windows and a few frew-frews (try saying that fast ten times in a row) to finish the model. Then it but a matter of attaching the house to a base, using my favorite base material: cork place mats from Target.


Tomorrow, Saturday, I will be traveling north to the Milwaukee area to play a 28mm Napoleonic game at Bill Protz's establishment. Infantry regiments are 72 figures strong and we will be using a variant of Bill's "BAR" rules for Napoleonic warfare. I believe that we are refighting Rolica in Spain with the British attacking the French for a change. I am looking forward to rolling some dice and enjoying some good company. I will post some pictures of the game early next week. 



  1. The house looks good and will be another cracking piece of terrain for your game, Looking forward to your report of the Napoleonic game, 72 man infantry regiments, totally madness but brilliant!

  2. The house and barn together (already) look amazing!

    Kind Regards,

