Friday, August 27, 2021

Web Store Gremlins Are At Work

 Hello everyone. I am having a problem with the host of my webstore for Fife and Drum Miniatures and may not be able to ship some of the orders for awhile. 

The webstore appears to work and if an order is received using PayPal, then PayPal sends me a copy of your order. If you use a credit card though, I only get a notice from my provider of credit card services that I have received an amount of money, but it does not tell me who the purchaser is or what they ordered.

So bottom line, I can currently ship PayPal orders but I can not ship credit card orders until the server glitch is fixed.

If you have submitted a credit card order in recent days, then please send me an email with your information (name, address and items ordered) and I can probably mail your order. is my email address

Hopefully, the issue will be fixed by the end of the day, but it has been ongoing for the past two days.


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